Valérie Jardin: Streetfotografie – Übungen und Tipps für bessere Bilder

If you have 50 keepers at the end of the day – the bar is too low.
— Valérie Jardin

Street Photography ist eines der faszinierendsten und zugleich anspruchsvollsten Genres in der Fotografie. In ihrem Buch "Streetfotografie: 75 Übungen für bessere Bilder" gibt Valérie Jardin Tipps, wie wir unseren Blick und unsere Fähigkeiten durch tägliche Praxis schärfen können.

In 2021 Valérie Jardin decided to put an end to her podcasting career. After years behind the microphone she felt that it was time to say goodbye to "Hit the Streets". Scheduling guests, researching topics and recording interviews had become a chore. "Usually the audience is pretty quiet – until you disappear", she says and adds: "It would have been nice to hear more from the audience."

Leaving one thing freed up more time to do more of what she loves most: teaching and roaming the streets. "I love to get lost on purpose. I love to be surprised. I'm completely open to opportunities on the streets. It's really the beauty of the everyday."

Valérie Jardin

You have control over your gear and your vision. You don’t have any control over what is happening.
— Valérie Jardin

Ever since she picked up a camera, Valérie Jardin has been fascinated by exploring the world around her one frame at a time. She started as a commercial photographer but the set out to build a career around street photography. Valérie holds workshops in cities around the world, among them Paris, Rome and New York.

For many years, she had been the host of the widely popular podcast „Hit The Street“. After almost 300 episodes she decided to step away from her show in 2021.

Valérie Jardin is the author of two print books. In „Street Photography: Creative Vision Behind The Lens“ she combines the fundamentals of street photography with beautiful storytelling as she tells the story behind some of her favorite images. In "Street Photography Assignments: 75 Reasons to Hit the Streets and Learn"* she encourages street photographers to go out as often as possible to work on their skills and vision.

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