Rinzi Ruiz: Street Zen – Or Photography As A Meditative Practice

One of the goals of a being a photographer is creating a photograph that means something. An image that people can relate to, or that can produce an emotion when somebody sees it.
— Rinzi Ruiz

In this interview street photographer Rinzi Ruiz talks about photography as a meditative exercise. He calls it „street zen“. Rinzi says: „Photography can change our minds, our emotions and many other things.“

When he found himself in a creative slump and stressed out working as an art director, street photography helped Rinzi to re-connect with the artist inside of him. He says: „I felt that over the years I had lost of part of myself, going up as a creative person. Basically, I was losing myself to the corporate life. I needed to find something to bring back my creativity.“

Walking around taking pictures not only made Rinzi grow as an artist, it also helped him to deal with stress and opened his eyes to what was happening around him. Since then the love to explore the world through the viewfinder of his camera has never stopped.

Asked for his „why“ in photography, Rinzi replies: „One of the goals of a being a photographer is creating a photograph that means something. An image that people can relate to, or that can produce an emotion when somebody sees it.“

Besides talking about the meaning of street zen and the transformative power of photography, we do some storytelling with four of Rinzi’s images.

Rinzi Ruiz

I felt that over the years I had lost of part of myself, going up as a creative person. Basically, I was losing myself to the corporate life. I needed to find something to bring back my creativity.
— Rinzi Ruiz

Rinzi Ruiz is a street photographer based in Glendale, California. At a young age, he started out drawing and painting. Later on in 2008 he slowly moved away from fine arts and developed a passion for photography. Taking pictures serves him as form of meditative practice – or „Street Zen“ as he calls it.

He worked as a graphic designer until he finally decided to build a fulltime-career around photography. Rinzi is an official Fuji-X-Photographer.

Besides roaming the streets of L.A. and other cities around the world shooting street photography, he does commercial work at weddings and corporate events. He also teaches street photography workshops.

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